

After receipt of your application to our knowledge sharing forum, the ballot procedure follows. Shortly after submitting your application, the credentials for the eligibility of your organization will be checked after which a confirmation will be sent. Upon receipt of the confirmation and depending on the size of your organization, 1 or 2 persons can be proposed as your organizational representative(s). Each proposed person will be discussed by the Board of the national Connect2Trust organization according to the statutory procedures. The Board discusses the proposed representatives at least four times a year to decide on a permanent grant of access provided the representative remains employed at the organization.

Once access is granted, each representative receives an invitation to the online monthly meetings of Connect2Trust and its annual event. Each representative also receives access to the Connect2Trust collaboration platform and self-service portal. The portal not only allows the representative to manage the data from our Threatmatcher platform as described HERE, but also which of the Tables you would like to join.

Connect2Trust hosts two types of tables: closed and semi-closed. Every current representative or volunteer that has been with Connect2Trust for a minimum of two years can set-up a Table to their informational needs. Only current representatives can join a closed table, while semi-closed tables can be joined by representatives and attendees from the outside provider that each has signed our NDA and Code-of-Conduct.

Each table is hosted by two current representatives or volunteers as the chair and co-chair of the Table who will propose the topic, frequency, required support and possible entry criteria. Current topics vary between CISO-only (quarterly) meetings at strategic level, tactical meetings on CTI and future architectures, and operational meeting on Operational Technology.

At least one Connect2Trust volunteer should participate in each table to allow knowledge sharing between all tables where appropriate. After receiving Board approval, the Table is officially opened by annoucing to all registered representatives and volunteers. Each chair and cochair of a table are encouraged to reflect on their findings during our annual event.